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American Excellence (Event Title)

    N O V E M B E R   1 2 ,   2 0 2 4 ,   A T   G I N N Y ' S   S U P P E R   C L U B    

    3 1 0   L E N O X   A V E ,   H A R L E M ,   N E W   Y O R K    

 November 12, 2024, at Ginny’s Supper Club 
 3 1 0   L E N O X   A V E ,   H A R L E M ,   N E W   Y O R K 

CAM-Omni Dual Logo (Transparent)

Step into an evening of cultural elegance and celebration at the "American Excellence: The Omni-American Future Gala."

The Omni-American Future Project is a cultural initiative that draws from the vision of Albert Murray and the rich traditions of jazz to build a robust cultural and political center in America. It seeks to counter extremism and division by fostering unity, inclusion, and shared values.

E V E N I N G   P R O G R A M  |  A Celebration of Excellence

Roy Niederhoffer (1x1)

Honoring Roy Niederhoffer

Prepare to be inspired by Roy Niederhoffer, a true Renaissance man, who will be celebrated for his lifetime achievements in music and civic engagement. As our senior award honoree, Roy's dedication to the arts and his contributions to the Omni-American vision will be the highlight of the night.

Emmet Cohen

A Jazz Extravaganza with
Emmet Cohen

Experience the soul-stirring sounds of Emmet Cohen, our junior award honoree, as he takes the stage with his trio. Cohen’s performance will not just be music but a celebration of the very ideals of democratic dialogue and creative expression that the Omni-American Future Project champions.

Itamar and Coleman

Special Guest Performers

Adding to the night’s musical splendor, trumpeter Itamar Borochov and trombonist Coleman Hughes will grace the stage with performances that resonate with the rich cultural heritage of the communities we aim to uplift. Each note played will echo the values of unity, inclusiveness, and excellence that the gala seeks to promote.

T I C K E T S   |  Join us for a night of inspiration, music and excellence


  • Reception Sponsor
  • Premier table of 10L
  • Listing in limited edition copy of The Omni-American Review
  • Stage Mention
  • Logo or Name on Website 
  • Acknowledgment in press release

  • Exclusive Tables of 7
  • Listing in limited edition copy of The Omni-American Review
  • Stage Mention 
  • Logo or Name on Website
  • Acknowledgment in press release

  • Tables of 5 
  • Listing in limited edition copy of The Omni-American Review
  • Logo or Name on Website
Individual Tickets

  • VIP ----------  $500 
  • Premium ----  $250
  • Standard ---- $125                  
  • Student -----  $45